
ZeekJS is an experimental Zeek plugin to support JavaScript as an alternative scripting language in Zeek.

zeek.on('zeek_init', function() {
  console.log('Hello, Zeek!');

The plugin embeds Node.js and primarily deals with converting between JavaScript and Zeek data types and registering JavaScript functions as event or hook handlers within Zeek. It further installs Node’s IO loop as an IO source in Zeek.

Getting started

Compiling and running ZeekJS requires a Zeek installation and Node.js available as a shared library.


Currently ZeekJS strives to be compatible with latest stable, feature and nightly releases of Zeek.


With Zeek version 6.0, the ZeekJS plugin is automatically included as a builtin plugin when Node.js is available on the build system. The Zeek documentation received a section about JavaScript, too.


If your operating system offers a way to install a modern Node.js version as a shared library and includes development headers as well, that makes things easy. For example, on Fedora 34 and 35 all that is needed is to install the nodejs-devel and nodejs-lib packages.

If you’re not using Fedora, you’ll probably need to compile Node.js yourself.

Compiling Node.js from source

Start by fetching a source tarball, or cloning the Node.js repository and check out the tag of the release you want to build. Then, configure, compile and install it.

$ git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.git
$ cd node

# Reset repo to a specific Node.js version
$ git reset --hard v20.11.1

# Configure Node.js with shared OpenSSL and set desired installation prefix
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/node-20.11 --shared --shared-openssl

$ make
$ sudo make install

With Node.js in place, you should be prepared to compile ZeekJS.

You may want to look into docker/debian.Dockerfile for some inspiration around installing Node.js on Debian or other distributions.

Compiling ZeekJS

ZeekJS is a standard Zeek plugin. Existing documentation around building and installing Zeek plugins should apply to it as well. Ensure that zeek-config is in your path, then use ./configure and make for building and installing.

If Node.js is installed in a non-standard location, use --with-nodejs=/path/to/nodejs.

For example:

$ zeek-config --version

$ ./configure --with-nodejs=/opt/node-20.11
$ make
$ sudo make install

If everything worked out the plugin should be available available:

$ zeek -NN Zeek::JavaScript
Zeek::JavaScript - Experimental JavaScript support for Zeek (dynamic, version 0.11.0)
    Implements LoadFile (priority 0)

Hello, Zeek!

Verify ZeekJS is functional by running a JavaScript file using Zeek:

$ cat << EOF > hello.js
zeek.on('zeek_init', function() {
  console.log('Hello, Zeek!');

$ zeek ./hello.js
Hello, Zeek!


  • No multi-index support for tables and sets. JavaScript objects have string properties only.

Generally, look out for [ ERROR ] messages on stderr. If something doesn’t seem to work, it may just not be implemented.


Exposing Zeek stats via HTTP

This example shows how to start a HTTP server and expose network and event stats gathered by invoking the bifs get_net_stats() and get_event_stats().

'use strict';
const http = require('http');

// Render BigInt (count) types as strings in JSON.
BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function() {
  return this.toString();

http.createServer((req, res) => {
  let stats = {
    net: zeek.invoke('get_net_stats'),
    event: zeek.invoke('get_event_stats'),
    zeek_version: zeek.invoke('zeek_version'),
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
$ curl -sfS localhost:3000 | jq
  "net": {
    "pkts_recvd": "4861",
    "pkts_dropped": "0",
    "pkts_link": "4861",
    "bytes_recvd": "6319316"
  "event": {
    "queued": "431",
    "dispatched": "431"
  "zeek_version": "4.1.1-debug"

Taking over logging

This leverages Zeek 4.1’s new Log::log_stream_policy hook to bypass Zeek logging.

'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');

// Render BigInt (count) types as strings in JSON.
BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function() {
  return this.toString();

zeek.hook('Log::log_stream_policy', {priority: -1000}, function(rec, log_id) {
  // Conn::Info to Conn, PacketFilter::Info to PacketFilter
  if (log_id.includes('::'))
    [log_id] = log_id.split('::')

  // CamelCase to snake_case: PacketFilter to packet_filter
  log_id = log_id.replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, '\$1_\$2').toLowerCase()

  const log_rec = zeek.select_fields(rec, zeek.ATTR_LOG)
  const flat_rec = zeek.flatten(log_rec)

  // Write to the log file. Synchronous here for simplicity.
  fs.appendFileSync(log_id + '.log', JSON.stringify(flat_rec) + '\n')

  // If you wanted to hand-off logs to a central Redis server.
  // redis_client.publish(log_id, JSON.stringify(flat_rec))

  // Returning false from a hook handler is semantically the same as
  // break in Zeekscript. Not returning or returning anything else
  // has no effect in a hook handler.
  return false

This will write JSON log entries into dns.log, http.log and ssl.log when running, for example:

$ zeek -r tests/Traces/dns-http-https.pcap ./log-bypass.js
$ cat dns.log

API Reference

The plugin adds a zeek object into the global namespace. This object provides the following functions to interact with Zeek.

static zeek.on(name, options, handler)

Register a function to be called as a Zeek event handler.

  • name (string) – The Zeek event name. For example, zeek_init.

  • options (object) – Optional options. Only supported key is priority.

  • handler (function) – The function to call.


zeek.on('zeek_init', () => {
  console.log('Hello, Zeek!');
static zeek.hook(name, options, handler)

Register a function to be called as a Zeek hook handler.

When handler returns false, this is equivalent to using break in a Zeek hook handler.

  • name (string) – The name of the hook. For example, DNS::log_policy.

  • options (object) – Optional options. Only supported key is priority.

  • handler (function) – The function to call.

static zeek.event(name, args)

Queue a Zeek event.

Conversion of args to Zeek event arguments happens implicitly.

  • name (string) – The name of the Zeek event to queue.

  • args (array) – Arguments to use.

static zeek.invoke(name, args)

Invoke a Zeek function.

Conversion of args to Zeek function arguments happens implicitly.

Invoking Zeek hooks is possible. If any of the hook handlers break, the return value will be false, else true.

To invoke a Zeek function taking an any typed parameter, use zeek.as to convert a JavaScript value to a Zeek value and use the resulting object. The plugin will thread through the underlying Zeek value without attempting implicit conversion.

  • name (string) – The name of the Zeek function to invoke.

  • args (array) – Arguments to use.


zeek.on('zeek_init', () => {
  let version = zeek.invoke('zeek_version');
  console.log(`Running on Zeek ${version}`);
static zeek.as(type_name, value)

Explicit type conversion from JavaScript to Zeek.

The type_name argument can be a string that is produced by Zeek’s type_name() or global_ids() functions. Note that it can not be an arbitrary type expression. For example, table[count] of string will most likely, table[ count ] of string will fail. A type registry is used internally that depends on the behavior of Zeek’s Type::Describe() method.

  • type_name (string) – The name of the Zeek type. For example, addr.

  • value – The value to convert to type_name.


An object referencing a Zeek value of type type_name.


local mynets = zeek.as('set[subnet]', [""]);
static zeek.select_fields(rec, mask)

Select properties with a given attribute.

To select only &log attributes for JSON.stringify():

zeek.on('HTTP::log_http' (rec) => {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(zeek.select_fields(rec, zeek.ATTR_LOG)));
  • rec (object) – A object backed by a Zeek record.

  • mask (number) – The attribute mask. Only zeek.ATTR_LOG is currently supported.

static zeek.flatten(rec, prefix, res)

Flatten a Javascript object by concatenating nested properties with . similar to how Zeek would log them in JSON format.

  • rec (object) – The object to flatten.

  • prefix (string) – Key prefix, optional.

  • res (object) – Result object, optional.


// http.log imitation
zeek.on('HTTP::log_http' (rec) => {
  let log_rec = zeek.select_fields(rec, zeek.ATTR_LOG);

Access Zeek side global variables.

This object allows access to global and exported variables.

